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Quinti is the craft company than through a modern management, search telling someone to know, selling and commercializing the products that the Peruvian craftsman has for the exquisite consumer of the exterior, applying ecommerce, the innovation of materials and ways of the product generating differential qualities. Quinti majors in the games of tables, like chess and ludos, offering reliable and durable products, as a consequence of the dedication of every craftsman of the different regions of the Peru.


​Peruvian Handicrafts
Models Chess


We invite you to that you can see our collection of chess as much of wood, stone and ceramics.


Our country offers you the opportunity to know incredible cultures, to live captivating festivities and to accomplish so various activities that attend from a traditional visit to archeological sites to the practice of extreme sports. We invite you to that you travel and discover to the Peru, most of all to the region in which is born our company LAMBAYEQUE.



Quinti is a Peruvian company that the product grows from the development of our locality, making good use of the potentiality of our culture that way, mainly of the craft sector.




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